Special Guests:  Beloved!

Special Guests: Beloved!

Beloved, a new and exciting group of three sisters from Missouri, will be making their East Coast debut at Hymn Sing Spectacular II and you and really going to enjoy their singing!

Anna Griggs is the youngest of the trio and a senior in high school. She has been in the St. Charles Christian Home Educators choir for three years as a mezzo-soprano. She’s a part of her church worship team, is enrolled in Lifelight Youth Theatre, and performs in her choir’s annual Dinner Theatre. She strives to give glory to God through singing in any way that she can.

Mary Griggs loves singing with her siblings, but her purest joy comes from accompanying them in song. Her heart is passionate toward many things, piano and youth ministry included, but furthering her education with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (and an emphasis in Drawing and Illustration) is her primary goal. She currently serves on her local church worship team as pianist and sings alto. Mary plans to stay highly involved with music when she transfers to Olivet Nazarene University this fall.

Elizabeth Griggs is the oldest of the group. She is currently pursuing a degree in communications from Mizzou, and from there obtaining a Masters in Library Science. Her passion within the church is in children’s ministry, and worshipping her Savior–be it through group participation or leading others in praise. Elizabeth has been involved in music from an early age through both high school activities and church. From time to time she assists her current worship team with her vocals as an alto.